Very Inspiring Blog Award


Back in February I was nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award from Lou (louslabyrinth). However, silly me with my hectic schedule finishing up grad school, completely forgot to add this to my blog. I just want to say thank you to Lou for nominating me and you all should go check out her page!

This is how the award works:

  • Display the award logo some where on your blog.
  • Link back to the person who nominated you.
  • State seven things about yourself.
  • Nominate fifteen other bloggers for this award and link back to them.
  • Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

Seven facts about myself:

  1. I road tripped across the United States, twice.
  2. I will always be in love with Disney World, regardless of my age. I would travel there every year growing up (sometimes a few times a year). I even learned to walk and swim while there!
  3. My favorite colors are black and white (yes, I know, they’re not actually considered colors).
  4. I named my car Roxii, because she’s a Rogue.
  5. I lived in California for a summer (I’m a New Yorker…no not the city, the state).
  6. If I was older, I would be the crazy cat lady, because I love cats that much. I only have one, but I would have several if it was allowed.
  7. I have my bachelors in psychology and my masters in social work.

My nominations:

I haven’t ventured into the blog world very much, but these are people who have stopped by my blog or are blogs that I have come across in various ways that I have liked and find to be inspiring. There are obviously many great blogs out there, but here’s a few!


Thanks for the inspiring blogger nomination!

14 responses to “Very Inspiring Blog Award

  1. Sweet Kait,
    – Congratulations on your first blog award, and a great one at that!
    – Thank you so much for the nomination and the kind words at the end of the post.
    – BTW, ‘black is not a color, but white is a color. White does qualify! 😀
    In the late sixties, when black-and-white was in fashion (I believe it is in again, or is it out already?), as teenagers, we bought everything black-and-white. Thanks for the fond nostalgic memories.
    – Most importantly, Congratulations on your high academic accomplishments!
    Hugs, Fae.

  2. Congratulations on your well-deserved award! Your beautiful blog is VERY inspiring indeed – I had a blast make your Key Lime Cupcakes. 🙂

    And thanks for nominating Vittle Monster!

  3. Pingback: Award – August 2013 (Part 2) | Fae's Twist & Tango

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